Be Your Best Self – Optimized Living at Every Age

Functional Medicine

We have been practicing holistic functional medicine in Lake Oswego since 1978. Our goal is to address the underlying causes of illness and restore normal function. We know that nutrition is the foundation to healing and that condition-specific diets enhance regeneration of tissue. We assess each patient with a detailed history, a thorough physical exam and appropriate lab testing to gain a clear understanding of current health issues. We then create treatment plans and options that are tailored to each individual. Our treatments are evidence based and proven effective, both by modern science and traditional healing wisdom. Our holistic approach to health respects the vis medicatrix naturae, the healing power of nature. Therapies may include botanical medicine, specific vitamin and nutrient therapyacupunctureI.V. Therapybio-identical hormone replacement therapyhomeopathyCold LaserprolotherapyPRP therapies, weight loss, myofascial manipulation and more.

Therapies include:


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